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Knob Creek

Handcrafted in limited quantities, Knob Creek® is patiently aged to fully draw out the natural sugars in its charred white oak barrels.

As a result, this exceptional, full-bodied bourbon strikes the senses with a maple sugar aroma, distinctive sweetness and rich, woody, caramel flavor with a long, smooth finish.

Made at 100 proof and created to reflect the flavor, strength, care and patience that defined pre-prohibition whiskey, Knob Creek® is perfect straight or cooled slightly with one or two ice cubes.

Knob Creek

Knob Creek straight bourbon
Knob Creek rye

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Knob Creek

Old Fashioned


50 ml Knob Creek Bourbon
Angostura Aromatic Bitters Drops
Pinches of raw sugar


Muddle the sugar & bitters in a rocks glass. Add ice & pour Knob Creek on top. Stir gently to mix & garnish with a cherry.


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